
物理疗法科 (共0位医生)






Physical Therapy Department was established in 1988. Department of Spinal cord injury and bone diseases physical therapy was a branch in 2010 with area of 482.38m2 and various kinds of modern rehabilitation facilities. The staff of 30 professionals, including 5 masters and 15 bachelors, in which 3 assume vice-senior title, 5 has been internationally authorized, is highly qualified for providing enthusiastic and full rehabilitation service.

The department advanced domestic is engaged in both medical treatment and research which provides services including some characteristic rehabilitation therapy to more than 300 patients every day. Therapists set rehabilitation goal in strict accordance with the “evaluation - training - re-evaluation” process. We use various techniques to implement effective training, which helps the patients to improve and restore motor function as well as the quality of life and ability to participate in social activities. Regular therapy include acute and chronic phase after spinal cord injury rehabilitation, orthopedic disorders rehabilitation and outpatient rehabilitation guidance. Characteristic therapy include: chest physiotherapy, enteric function rehabilitation, pelvic floor muscle training, falling prevention training, and clinical application of rehabilitation robot etc. The staff is highly experienced in both theory and practice with advanced techniques of PT while we are continually updating our professional knowledge and exploring new field of rehabilitation.

Besides the routine medical tasks, the department also commits to the theory and clinical teaching of the Capital Medical University undergraduate, JICA 3 distance education courses, a large number of rehabilitation research and national training courses of various rehabilitation techniques. We brought in Lokomat from Switzerland and with the help of a German specialist, we carried out a series of research on the efficacy of Lokomat on spinal cord injury patients. What’s more, we investigated the difference between patients and the normal on functional reaching.

The whole staff here will devote our love and patience wholeheartedly to the disabled people regarded as the center of service.



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理论思想武装头脑 实践考察增强党性--记参加中央党校学习有感

今年4月份,我有幸被组织选派至中共中央党校国家机关分校中国气象局气象干部培训学院进行为期3个月的集中培训。通过参加党校精心组织安排的课程和社会考察活动,我不仅收获了丰富的理论知识,武装了头脑,而且还提升了党性修养,更加坚定为社会主义事业和残疾人康复事业奉献的决心。 培训期间,党校采用教授面授、观看授课录像、交流研讨、社会考察、警示教育、革命传统教育等形式,让我学习了马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想基本问题特别是中国特色社会主义理论体系基本问题,当代世界经济、当代世界科技、法制、军事、思潮和当代世界民族宗教知识,以及党的十八大和十八届三中全会精神和习近平总书记系列讲话精神等;同时,还在课堂上热烈探讨我国全面深化改革和发展中的理论和现实问题。通过系统的培训,夯实了理论基础、拓展了世界眼光、培养了战略思维、加强了党性锻炼、提高了党性、素质和能力。 除了课堂学习外,党校还组织开展了参观中央芭蕾舞团、燕城监狱等一系列社会考察活动,远赴革命老区井冈山接受革命传统教育。革命前辈们在恶劣的环境下开展艰苦卓绝的革命斗争故事,深深打动了我,教育了我。 党校还提倡教学相长、学学相长,各个领域的同学们纷纷走上学员论坛、必修课导读的讲台,与大家分享各个行业的形式、面临任务和思考。 这次党校培训经历,不仅为我和同学们搭建了学习和交流的平台,而且让我丰富了知识,收获了友谊,成为自己人生中终身难忘的一段经历。相信在这里学习到的一切,必将对自己今后的学习和工作产生深远的影响。


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